Monday, May 26, 2008

It's a good thing I love to read!

Have you ever noticed how your awareness shifts depending on what's going on in your life? For example: When you first buy a new car, you suddenly seem to see all the other cars that are just like yours. It's because your attention has been raised to that particular thing, so you see the things you may have previously been looking past.

I'm finding that very principle applies to my new experiences with the World of Blog! I knew of blogging, but didn't really get it so I generally dismissed it. Once I more clearly understood the benefits (and the potential!), I set out to learn more and more about blogging, and I've discovered soooooooooooo much information to digest!! It's almost information overload!!

One of the best benefits, though, is finding GREAT blogs that I love to read! I've listed a few here on my site (just up and to the right...check them out!!), but there are many, many more!! Joel Comm's place at is a fantastic blog, as is by Loral Langemeier, and another place I found called Bruce*isms, located at Informative, entertaining, thought provoking...and just plain good reading!! And that's the tip of the tip of the iceberg!! There are some GREAT spaces out there, where people are sharing their experiences and their perspectives, giving a glimpse into their lives and their hearts. By reading, I learn and grow and ask myself questions that make me learn and grow even more...all of which is good!!

I constantly have to fight the temptation to just read on and on...and on...and on...and on...and on...!!! After all, there are things to be done, day in and day out! But now that I've discovered this world, I am truly enjoying it, and I hope you're enjoying your glimpse into my world! Someday, I'll have one of those blogs that people refer other people to -- then you can smile to yourself, knowing that you were with me from the beginning, being witness to this journey! Feel free to comment, by the way...I've found it's usually more fun to travel with people than just by myself!

Happy Monday Evening to all!

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