Thursday, May 29, 2008

Attraction, Manifestation, and Genies!

If you've looked around my blog, you'll notice that I'm currently reading The Secret, actually for the second time. Perhaps you've read it, seen the movie, seen the website, or been to a seminar presented by one of The Secret contributors (would that make them "Secreteers"?). Since its release, millions of people around the world have read, watched and studied the materials. I've not seen the movie (yet!), but I hear it's even more powerful than the book.

According to the book, The Secret isn't a secret at all -- it's actually what's called The Law of Attraction, with the idea being that when you focus your attention and awareness on what you want, you will actually activate the "Universe Genie" to manifest whatever it is that you're wanting. Sounds cool, right?!

And it is cool...except...(that's a GREAT word, isn't it?!) I sit here on the couch wanting a sip of coffee, I can't just wait for the coffee to come to me and jump into my mouth! I actually get to pick up the coffee cup and take a sip! And the reason why I have coffee to sip, is because I WANTED coffee (usually do!), so I INTENTIONALLY MADE coffee, and now I get to sit here and SIP my coffee! So where's my magic genie?! I need a refill!

Maybe you're thinking right now, "Wait a minute...does that mean that there is no real magic genie?". Hate to break it to you, but no, there isn't actually a magic genie waiting to grant your every wish just because you throw it out there! What there is, though, is the truth in that you get what you focus on, what you create, and what you put your energy into. And if that is true, then you get what you want as long as you focus on what you want and assign your energy to what you want. And therein lies the first have to focus on what you WANT, then you do something about it! Honestly, that's a tough thing to do for most people. There are sooooo many distractions in life, so much negativity, so many people existing in their survival mode, that it's easy to get sucked into their vacuum. Then it breeds discontent, resentment, bitterness...then there are physical effects of that stress and negativity...good times!!

So how does the Law of Attraction and Manifestation work? Honestly...I'm still learning!! I know that I had a fantastic experience at the Phoenix airport yesterday which was 100% in line with what I wanted, but then I couldn't manage to "manifest" the shoes I was looking for at the store last night! Maybe I'm not a Master Manifester yet! (Quick, say that fast three times!)

For me, I believe it has largely to do with my awareness. What am I paying attention to? Because as I wrote about a few days ago (see May 26's entry about blogging), we notice things more when our awareness has been raised. So when I pay attention to opportunities, I see opportunities that I would probably have otherwise overlook. Similarly, when I pay attention to problems, I actually end up finding MORE problems, as I'm clearly locked into problem-finding mode!

This is obviously a much larger subject than one blog entry, so perhaps I'll expand on this as I move forward. In my experience, most people want better lives, but it's usually easier to give in and stay where we are than to put forth energy to create something better. Which is why the idea of a Magic Genie is SUPER COOL!! Unfortunately, it doesn't exactly work that way.

But just in case...Genie, I need more coffee!!

1 comment:

Don said...

I've been reading the book Harmonic Wealth by James Arthur Ray, who is one of the featured teachers in The Secret. I'm learning about some of the other laws and I think one of those will help you with the Genie factor. it's called the Law of Gender and it states that "Everything has a gestation period, a time period that must pass before things will come into form." Perhaps your coffee was on it's way, but you didn't wait long enough for it to arrive! :)

So patience really is a virtue! Who knew?!